Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE HonFREng (born 7 January 1985) is a British racing driver currently competing in Formula One for Mercedes. In Formula One, Hamilton has won a joint-record seven World Drivers’ Championship titles (tied with Michael Schumacher), and holds the records for the most wins (103), pole positions (103), and podium finishes (184), among others.Born and raised in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, Hamilton joined the McLaren young driver programme in 1998. This led to a Formula One drive with McLaren from 2007 to 2012, making Hamilton the first, and so far only, black driver to race in the series. In his inaugural season, Hamilton set numerous records as he finished runner-up to Kimi Räikkönen by one point. The following season, he won his maiden title in dramatic fashion—making a crucial overtake on the last lap of the last race of the season—to become the then-youngest Formula One World Champion in history. After six years with McLaren, Hamilton signed with Mercedes in 2013.Changes to the regulations for 2014 mandating the use of turbo-hybrid engines saw the start of a highly successful period for Hamilton, during which he has won six further drivers’ titles. Consecutive titles came in 2014 and 2015 during an intense rivalry with teammate Nico Rosberg. Following Rosberg’s retirement, Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel became Hamilton’s closest rival in two intense championship battles, in which Hamilton twice overturned mid-season point deficits to claim consecutive titles again in 2017 and 2018. His third and fourth consecutive titles followed in 2019 and 2020 to equal Schumacher’s record of seven drivers’ titles.Hamilton has been credited with furthering Formula One’s global following by appealing to a broader audience outside the sport, in part due to his high-profile lifestyle, environmental and social activism, and exploits in music and fashion. He has also become a prominent advocate in support of activism to combat racism and push for increased diversity in motorsport. Hamilton was listed in the 2020 issue of Time as one of the 100 most influential people globally, and was knighted in the 2021 New Year Honours.Contents1 Early life and education2 Junior racing career2.1 Karting2.2 Formula Renault and Formula Three2.3 GP23 Formula One career3.1 McLaren (2007–2012)3.2 Mercedes (2013–present)3.2.1 2013–2016: Teammates with Rosberg3.2.2 2017–2020: Four titles in a row3.2.3 2021 season: Title battle vs. Verstappen3.2.4 2022 season4 Driver profile4.1 Driving style4.2 Reception4.3 Helmet4.4 Rivalries4.4.1 Fernando Alonso4.4.2 Nico Rosberg4.4.3 Sebastian Vettel5 Public image and influence5.1 Racist treatment5.2 Activism and philanthropy5.2.1 Diversity and anti-racism5.2.2 Human rights5.2.3 Environmental and animal rights5.2.4 UNICEF and #TOGETHERBAND5.2.5 Other charities5.3 Media reception6 Other ventures7 Personal life7.1 Legal issues7.2 Residence7.3 Wealth and income8 Karting record8.1 Karting career summary9 Racing record9.1 Racing career summary9.2 Complete Macau Grand Prix results9.3 Complete Formula 3 Euro Series results9.4 Complete GP2 Series results9.5 Complete Formula One results9.6 Formula One records10 Honours and achievements10.1 Formula One10.2 Other awards10.3 Orders and special awards10.4 Recognition11 Notes12 References13 Further reading14 External links
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