Feature-length animated spin-off of the 1960s TV series. Original stars Adam West and Burt Ward return to voice the caped crusaders who find themselves tackling Gotham’s newest supervillain, Two-Face (William Shatner). Trouble begins when the dynamic duo are invited to attend the lab of Doctor Hugo Strange (Jim Ward) to observe the first demonstration of his new ‘Evil Extractor’ on some of Gotham’s most dangerous criminals. All is going well until the Joker (Jeff Bergman) figures out a way to overpower the machine, injuring District Attorney Harvey Dent in the process. Horribly scarred, Dent adopts the identity of Two-Face and goes on a wild crime spree. But he’s not the only villain the caped crusaders must apprehend as Two-Face masterminds a more elaborate plot to destroy Gotham City.