Seasonal animated adventure with Barbie. This time around it’s Christmas Eve, and Barbie tells Kelly the story of a girl named Eden Starling, a glamorous singing diva who owns a theatre and doesn’t believe in Christmas. On Christmas Eve, she orders everyone who works for her to sing on Christmas Day, and is then visited by three spirits who try to change her perspective on Christmas forever.
Barbie™ in a Christmas Carol is a heart-warming adaptation of the classic Dickens story filled with cherished Christmas carols, fabulous fashions and lots of laughs! The tale stars Barbie™ as Eden Starling™ the glamourous singing diva of a theatre in Victorian London. Along with her snooty cat, Chuzzlewit, Eden selfishly plans to make all the theatre performers stay and rehearse on Christmas Day. Not even Eden’s costume designer and childhood friend Catherine can talk Eden out of her self-centered tantrum. It’s up to three very unusual Christmas Spirits to take Eden on a fantastical holiday journey that will open her heart to the spirit of the season and the joy of giving. Barbie™ in A Christmas Carol is a family favourite to enjoy every holiday season.
- Rated : Universal, suitable for all
- Director : William Lau
- Media Format : PAL
- Run time : 1 hour and 16 minutes
- Release date : 10 Nov. 2008
- Studio : Universal Pictures UK
- Producers : Anita Lee
- Writers : Elise Allen
- Number of discs : 1